Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Does Your Sunscreen Protect You from Aging and Wrinkles?

Most of us dread that look of aging; the gray hair, sagging skin, bags under the eyes, but none more dreaded as the wrinkles!  We can cover the gray, tighten the skin, lighten the bags but trying to get rid of the wrinkles is just plain depressing.  Aging is a natural process and one we should embrace in a gradual motion, but often that process is increased by over-exposure to the sun and its harmful rays.  So, how can we protect ourselves?  Does use of a sunscreen protect us or is it just media hype?

How Does Sunscreen Work?
Simply stated; safe sunscreens are designed to reflect the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun.  But, how can this prevent wrinkles?  Physical and inorganic substances are blended, along with other ingredients such as preservatives, emulsifies, fragrances and other additives that when the wearer is exposed to the suns rays, these are reflected or diffused thus protecting the skin from the dangers of the ultraviolet rays and helping how to prevent wrinkles.

Often vitamins and other useful nutrients are added for additional protection to the skin, such as Vitamins C, D and E.  Interestingly, Vitamin C helps to repair damage to cells from free-radical damage while Vitamins D and E protects the cellular membranes against damage.
The emulsifiers that have been added will help the skin to retain moisture, promoting elasticity, which will slow the aging and wrinkling process.

Why We Need Protection?
There are two types of ultraviolet radiation that we as humans need protection: Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB).  Ultraviolet A (UVA) exposure is our greatest overall threat, with studies noting that over 90% of the total radiation exposure is in this form.  This form of radiation is more prevalent during the daylight hours and is the largest culprit for aging our skin and causing wrinkles.  And, while it is more prevalent in the daylight hours, ultraviolet A (UVA) can penetrate even clouds, so you get exposed even when you don't realize it's happening.

Additionally, while most of the Ultraviolet B (UBA) radiation is absorbed by the ozone, exposure to this is the primary cause of most sunburn, damaging the superficial layers of the epidermal layers.
Therefore, with just this little knowledge of how the Ultraviolet radiation exposure affects us, it is easy to see how it's damage can occur in such a subtle manner as aging and wrinkling of the skin.

What Type of Protection and How Much?
For protection against both types of damaging radiation, selecting a good broad-spectrum sunscreen is the choice for today.  It should be at least an SPF 15 or greater and contain such ingredients as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and avobenzone.  It is noteworthy that anything with a rating of SPF higher than 50 may not actually be effective against both types of radiation.

The application of your safe sunscreen will also alter your protection against aging and wrinkling.  Most people use less than the recommended amount and do not reapply as directed.  Consider that is may take up to 30 minutes for the sunscreen to be absorbed by the skin, and may breakdown sooner if exposed to moisture. Reapplying the sunscreen after 20-30 minutes exposure to the sun may prove more effective as well.

Most cosmetic foundations offer a degree of SPF protection today, so using these or a daily sunscreen is advisable as well to reduce the effects of aging.  Many eye creams and skin creams also offer a tremendous range of SPF's that will help to rehydrate your skin while offering the overall UV protection you need.

Unfortunately, most of us are getting older and as a result, we are aging and wrinkling.  But, we don't have to help it along by over-exposure to the sun or its harmful ultraviolet rays.  Seeking those beautiful, toasty yet golden brown body tones has a price and the price can be very big.  Protection against these harmful UV rays is obtainable to all of us.  Take a look at the list that follows.  If you have any of these signs of aging or sun damage, start today with your sunscreen regime to protect and replenish your skin.

Signs of Aging

  • wrinkling
  • sagging skin
  • blemishes
  • dark spots
  • benign tumors 
  • age spots

All of these are just the beginnings of aging.  Aging is a process by which our bodies lose the elasticity they once had and sag or wrinkle.  You can control that process by limiting the amount of exposure you receive to the sun's harmful effects.  Use sunscreen daily for the best results against damage and see how to prevent wrinkles from occurring!

Your body is obviously a part of you.  Listen to it and cherish it.  Protect it with an adequate amount of sunscreen daily.  It's all about prevention!





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