Friday, December 11, 2015

The easiest way to get rid of wrinkles

Facial wrinkles have been a headache for women, especially women of advanced age. While there are numerous products on the shelves promising to improve the appearance of or get rid of wrinkles all together in a matter of days, many do not work.

Wrinkles come about as a result of the aging called intrinsic aging. As professor of dermatology from the University of Pittsburgh, Suzan Obagi explains, after the age of 20 the body reduces production of collagen to the skin. As a result the skin gets thinner and weaker.  It also causes less production of sweat and oil on the skin and so the skin loses its elasticity. This allows creases to form on the skin. Although wrinkles can appear in any part of the body, they are more visible on the face.

Although aging is inevitable, the appearance of wrinkles can be prevented in a variety of ways. Instead of relying on here-say, I have compiled for you some medically proven ways of getting rid or wrinkles naturally with chemical and medical treatments.

5 Natural ways of getting rid of facial wrinkles
1. Avoiding the sun
The number one cause of facial wrinkles is the sun. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, over-exposure to the sun shows negative effects on the skin. These are skin cancer and wrinkles. If you have to be out in the sun wear sunscreen and make sure you hide your face under the cover of a big hat.

2. Stop  smoking
Although the link between smoking and wrinkles has had many controversies, more and more studies are proving that cigarette smoke ages the skin enhancing development of wrinkles.  According to WebMD nicotine stimulates production of enzymes that break down collagen causing the skin to lose its elasticity.

A similar study at a London hospital that involved twins showed that the twin who smoked had thinner and up to 40% wrinkled skin more than the one who did not.

3. Get enough sleep.
Adequate sleep enables the body to rest and keep healthy. But when you sleep less than 5 hours a day, the body produces cortisol hormone that breaks down skin cells leaving you with fresh young skin. Basically, a good night’s rest is just as good as a facial.

A study by dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, from Yale University, published on WebMD, showed that when the body has enough rest, it produces a growth hormone HGH. This hormone rejuvenates the skin cells helping the skin remain healthy and elastic.

4. Eat lots of fish 
Fish especially salmon (and other cold water fish) contains enough proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for building up of your skin.

5. Have less coffee
Yes, I know it is sad news for coffee lovers, but it is true. According to WebMD while cocoa and soy were found to contain flavanols that protected the skin from damage from the sun, coffee did not. Coffee on the other hand dehydrates your skin leaving it dry and less elastic.

Another way of getting rid of wrinkles naturally is by using moisturizer, sleeping more on your back, drinking enough water, avoiding squinting and not over-washing your face .Try them and let us know how it goes.

Chemical and medical ways of getting rid of facial wrinkles
Chemicals such as Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), retinoids, topical Vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid, Idebenonem and Pentapeptides have proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Fruit acids Alpha-hydroxyl have been known to lift away dead skin and stimulate production of collagen. Retinol on the other hand is a natural vitamin A that reduces fine lines on the face and repair effects of sun damage. It has even been approved by the FDA.

According to WebMD, Topical vitamin C too increases collagen production, protects the skin against sun damage, inflammation and pigmentation problems. Recent research promotes L-ascorbic acid as more effective wrinkle remover.

Some Medical and Spa Treatments get rid of facial wrinkles in a matter of hours. These include Botox, wrinkle fillers, laser treatments and chemical peels.

Botox injections contain Botulinum toxin A which relaxes facial muscles relaxes the muscle underneath the wrinkle leaving it crease free.

Wrinkle fillers contain hyaluronic acid, collagen and other compounds. These feed your skin back to health.

Laser treatments, chemical peels and dermabrasion remove the top layer of the skin. This stimulates natural collagen production that results in smoother wrinkle-free skin in a matter of hours. This way, your skin looks younger and fresher in a matter of days.

While going the natural way is a cheaper and much safer way to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, some people prefer much faster, more expensive ways which involve chemical treatments. Whichever way you sue to get rid of your wrinkles do it safely. It is better to get a doctors opinion on the same.



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